Wednesday, July 23, 2014

An Interview with Sir Zaldy Arceo.

On July 9, 2014. Me and my group "BeesNest Productions" had our interview with Sir Zaldy Arceo of Zaldy Arceo Photography Studio. Interviewed by fellow groupmate Bob Alger, we managed to gather a whole lot of information on his field: Photography.

He talked about the important things that every aspiring photographer needs to know like the basics, customer satisfaction and qualities of a photographer. My own insight for this experience is: What I’ve learned during this experience with Mr. Arceo is that in Photography you have to concentrate and as Mr. Arceo says “It’s because we are a creative god and that creative god is very creative” meaning in my opinions is that concentration is one key of getting a good and creative shot. That means that if you want to be a photographer it is best to improve your concentration and focus to be better at taking shots that will very much satisfy your customer. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Emergence and Development of Multimedia in the Philippines

What is life like in the Philippines before Multimedia came around and made things more interesting? The way of getting info was through a newspaper. Newspaper would be considered "Multimedia" since it has more than one element as it contains text and images.

Newspapers are the oldest form of communication the early Filipinos used to spread the word to thousands and since then the multimedia industry grew and grew. When the foreigners left  the Filipinos were able to give way information when ever they want. The top three known newspapers of the country is the Manila Bulletin, The Philippine Daily Inquirer and Philippine Star. All of which provide daily news and information for the Filipinos.

Now moving on to mobile phones. When did mobile phones get released here at the Philippines? It was way back at the 1960's and it was Motorola Philippines who released it. As of today the Philippines is known to be the "Text Capital" of the world and is provided by three major networks: Smart and Globe Telecommunications and Sun Cellular

How about television? When did that came around to the Filipino people? TV was introduced by the brother of former president Elpidio Quirino. Up till Marcos' regime networks were popping up side to side until they were shut down during Marcos' reign. After Marcos term was over, as of 1986 the television industry came back and so did the networks. As of 2010, shows are in a more higher definition. Networks like ABS-CBN and GMA fight for the people's views and favor.

The internet first came around in the Philippines at the year 1994 and has since been developing. As of 2010 there are over 29.8 million Filipino internet users. The internet has made communicating very easier. Back then people would go to the post office to have their mailed delivered, but now it is done at a few push of buttons with email and chat. The internet reqally has an effect on the Philippines' economy.

The Philippines' Multimedia Industry since then has been growing really fast nonstop. Widely used at home, school and businesses. It has expanded the communication to greater lengths and helping to change the world in to a much more modern one.

Sources: (Retrieved: 07/14/2014) (Retrieved: 07/14/2014) (Retrieved: 07/14/2014) (Retrieved: 07/14/2014)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Multimedia Business: DMAZING PHOTOGRAPHY

If I were to one day build my Multimedia related business, It would be a Photography studio. Since I was a child I've always been interested with photography. Photography is one of the reasons in my taking up of the Multimedia Arts program. 

Here is a photo of me and my camera. 
Credits to Riciel Monserata.

I hope to inspire others to become photographers with my work. Photography is not just for past time and for relaxing, its way more than just that. A quote from Anne Geddes (1956). "The best images are the ones that retain their strength and impact over the years regardless of how many times it is viewed". In my opinion, she meant that photography is art, art like those old paintings from the previous centuries that even up to now our at Museums and continues to awe the crowd no matter how time changes. 

I will continue to improve my skills and hope to one day put up my own photography studio and naming it The DMAZING PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO. Why DMAZING? From DMA the initials of my first,middle and last name and -AZING from the word "amazing" because I one day want to make photographs that will have emotion and impact that no one would get tired of viewing it no matter how many times they've seen it. 

Sources: (Posted: 03/11/2014, Added: 07/06/2014, 10:40PM)