Wednesday, July 23, 2014

An Interview with Sir Zaldy Arceo.

On July 9, 2014. Me and my group "BeesNest Productions" had our interview with Sir Zaldy Arceo of Zaldy Arceo Photography Studio. Interviewed by fellow groupmate Bob Alger, we managed to gather a whole lot of information on his field: Photography.

He talked about the important things that every aspiring photographer needs to know like the basics, customer satisfaction and qualities of a photographer. My own insight for this experience is: What I’ve learned during this experience with Mr. Arceo is that in Photography you have to concentrate and as Mr. Arceo says “It’s because we are a creative god and that creative god is very creative” meaning in my opinions is that concentration is one key of getting a good and creative shot. That means that if you want to be a photographer it is best to improve your concentration and focus to be better at taking shots that will very much satisfy your customer. 

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