Sunday, September 28, 2014

Advertising and Society: The effect of one thing to the other.

Advertising, it when you see a product being promoted on media. Advertising is the promotion of products and services that are being offered. If there was no such thing as Advertisement there wouldn't be a single company that would grow in our world that is full off competition. 

There has been debate on the positive and negative effects of advertisement on the society:

Advertising is a mass marketing technique. Assorted techniques are used for advertising which persuades the consumers that why they need the product which is being advertised. They focus more on the benefits, which consumer will get from that product, rather than the product itself. Through advertising, products can be known to public easily. They can decide which product they need and why. Thus increasing the consumption and as a result also increasing the demand of the product.

Advertising can also be used to generate awareness among public that which product they use and to which product they can say no. It can also be used to educate people about certain diseases or danger (example: - AIDS, TB, viral diseases, etc.). Even the backward people are now aware of many diseases and their problems. And all these credits goes to proper advertising. 

Advertising can also be used to inform public about social events like concerts and performances. Charities can use media to advertise about the illnesses and encourage people for donations. 

There are also various blames that advertising is causing negative social impact on lives. Even if advertising has good impacts on society, it can be ruled out that is has bad impact too. It plays with the emotions of the public and encourages them to think that buying are the activities of life. Advertising posters of modern films, where sexuality is shown much than the actual theme of the movie, can divert the society a lot. Materialism is being much glorified through advertisements, which can again have dangerous consequences Society is becoming ignorant towards social or world issues because we are too obsessed to satisfy our newly created needs. We want to earn more and more money so that we can buy happiness in forms of products, being advertised as they can bring all the happiness in our lives. We are starving for material goals, because we always just want to have more.

Products which are heavily advertised are expensive due to the cost spent on advertising. It is true that advertising increases consumption, but its also true that the more we consume, the more we destroy the environment, because if demand increases production also increases. Thus the need of raw materials also increases.

"We can say that advertising has positive as well as negative impact on society. The balance, of what is necessary and what really not needed should be focused more." - Antora Dutta

SOURCES: (Retrieved 09/28)

Pictures used are not mine

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