Sunday, October 12, 2014

The People's change through Advertising

The primary function of advertising is to get people to buy something.Understanding how advertising influences people is an exercise in understanding how persuasion techniques are used in advertising to trigger buying decisions. Persuasion techniques can be either rational, irrational or a combination of both.

Advertising has a number of levels it works at:
1. It reaches a greater and wider audience - therefore accessing a greater and wider audience/ 'public 'need'' - if one person has a need, there are sure to be more.
2. It addresses a recognized need in such as way as to make people feel the answer to their problem lies in the product.
3. The methodology of the advertising is done in a way that appeals to the target audience. It ticks all their boxes in terms of needs/wants, thereby it has an influence on tilting their attention towards the product.
4. If the methodology also has a sense of humor or comic element about it - it makes people feel happy - people are more likely to do/buy things that make them feel happy/smile.

5. If it's a good product, then word of mouth 'advertising' adds to the advertising that it published/broadcast and therefore gives a higher profile to the product than that of its competitors.

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